When we go to sleep we get dreams. The scientists have proved that almost everyone dreams about two to three times each night. Those who claim they don't dream, in fact, don't remember anything after waking up. However, some others are able to remember their dreams very vividly. Dreams can be pleasurable, uneventful or even frightening. All of out dreams have something to do with our emotions, fears, desires and needs etc. If a person is hungry, or thirsty, his dreams could be related to these feelings. According to some psychologists our unfulfilled urges and interests are fulfilled in the dreams. Dreams provide an outlet, for our suppressed desires. When a person is dreaming, his eye movements become fast, as if the eyes were following the action in the dream. These movements last for about 15 to 20 minutes. During this period the brain's wave pattern also changes. It is sometimes recorded for scientific observations. Its recording is called electroencephalogram. Psychoanalysts believe that dreams are expressions of wishes that did not come true. Some psychologists contend that during this activity the brain, 'clears its registers' to prepare for the next day's conscious activities. According to some people their problems have been solved during the dreams. Kekule, a famous chemist gave the structure of benzene molecule after a dream only. Dreaming about benzene's molecular structure he saw a snake biting its tail while in whirling motion. Some people believed that dreams could tell what would happen in the future. So far scientists have not been able to fully explain this phenomenon. But, it is believed that they are good for the health.